At boot, the LED’s will flash an RGB pattern to test the lights. It will then flash each switch mode, followed by the MIDI channel, followed by the firmware version.
The Firmware version, Red flashes are the major version, and green the minor.
If you’re in Snapshot mode, at this point it’ll flash green LEDs to let you know it’s in snapshot mode. If not, it’ll light up the switches with their repective footswitch pixel color helping denote the mode.
During boot press and hold the right switch until the status pixel turns solid green, then release
The far right switch turns snapshot mode on and off.
All-white == snapshot mode
All-red == not snapshot mode; i.e do the regular programmed footswitch commands from above
While in Snapshot mode (These are currently not changable):
Firmware < 2.1
Hold Left Switch for FS4
Hold Middle Switch for FS5
Hold Right Switch for Tuner
Firmware 2.1+
The commands sent when folding footswitches in Snapshot mode are configurable via the “To change what each footswitch does” section above